Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hello to U!

This is my first post on this blog, and I don't really know what to talk about ;p
I always wanted a blog that has thousands of subscribers, but it never really worked out... To be honest, I'm just to lazy to post stuff regularly. I've had a few blogs before, and I always delete them before anyone can even see it! But, since this is one of my new years resolutions, I'm going to do my absolute best to keep you interested.

So, now I'm going to talk a little bit more about myself. As you already know, my name is Laura. My second  name is Mary, so that's why I called my blog Hello Laura Mary! I like to be creative, but I'm always to lazy to clean up the mess.

My family has been standing me for over 15 years now, and I still don't know how they do it, because, as you might find out, I'm really a crazy person. And some more about my family, I have 2 sisters: Chantal and Tanja, they are 21 and 19 years old at the moment. These might sound as really weird names, but that is because I'm not actually from the US, England, Canada or anywhere they talk English. I'm just from the very small country the Netherlands.

My biggest goal is to move to the US someday. Me and my friend talk a lot about that, and we both think about moving to California. She has some family over there, so she can easily stay there sometime. Ofcourse this is a HUGE step, but it has always been a big dream of mine. My family always likes to joke about it, but I'm actually very serious about it. I want to finish my school first, ofcourse, and when I'm in my 20's, I want to begin to look for apartments.

So, this is pretty much all I can tell you about me! I really hope I can find some people here that I share interests with, so please comment down below telling me what your biggest goal is for the future.


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